It's time to end the evil Blair-Bush coalition of the twisted. To honour over 400,000 dead Iraqi kids show your support!
Published on May 1, 2005 By Liberal Crusader In Politics
I really hate George Bush and Tony Blair. They are both religious 'men' (I use this term lightly) and hate everyone who is not right wing hitler followers like the fascists that they truly are. In 2008 Americans will go to the polls again and they all must not vote for George Bush. The innocents of the world can't take another term of this right wing Christian prick.


Tony Blair is facing his own election here in UK. We all must vote this evil cunt out because he is a pro-American lap dog imperialist who supports American murder and brutal oppression of children all around the world.


Comments (Page 4)
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on May 05, 2005
These so-called free elections are debatable. A lot of it appears to be puppet government for the US. Afghanistan is a mess, because we never followed through on our after invasion commitments. Instead, we spent it all by bombing the shit out of Iraq, for reasons that are thin at best.

There are good things coming out of Afghanistan, wonder why the media never covers them? As far as your "puppet government" conspiracy theory, that is just the usual response from your side.

As for the elections, the US corporate interest puppets are now at the helm. Most Iraqis didn't know who they were voting for, because people were too afraid to announce their candidacy for fear of being killed. This isn't exactly what I would call a "free" election.

Is that all you have is conspiracy theories? Millions of people came out and voted. They were risking their lives just coming out to vote, but that just doesn't matter to you lunatics.

Yup, Bush and Blair are two fools who should have known that it would have been cheaper to just buy the freakin' oil.

I assume this is another wacko reference to an "oil war". Nothing but fanatical bs.
on May 05, 2005
These so-called free elections are debatable. A lot of it appears to be puppet government for the US. Afghanistan is a mess, because we never followed through on our after invasion commitments. Instead, we spent it all by bombing the shit out of Iraq, for reasons that are thin at best.

There are good things coming out of Afghanistan, wonder why the media never covers them? As far as your "puppet government" conspiracy theory, that is just the usual response from your side.

As for the elections, the US corporate interest puppets are now at the helm. Most Iraqis didn't know who they were voting for, because people were too afraid to announce their candidacy for fear of being killed. This isn't exactly what I would call a "free" election.

Is that all you have is conspiracy theories? Millions of people came out and voted. They were risking their lives just coming out to vote, but that just doesn't matter to you lunatics.

Yup, Bush and Blair are two fools who should have known that it would have been cheaper to just buy the freakin' oil.

I assume this is another wacko reference to an "oil war". Nothing but fanatical bs.

Hey "dog"... ya might as well quit arguing with dabe. "Nothing" you can say, write,prove will make one dang bit of difference to her. Just keep in you head that your dealing with a female version of *col* gene.
on May 05, 2005
You really can't argue nothing with people who believe in wacko conspiracy theories.
on May 05, 2005
Forward not back, my dear boy, with Tony Blair!

--Actually i was referring to something else...
on May 06, 2005
I was aware that the combination of 'average Joe' and liberal ignorance was potent, but I hadn't expected this. If you knew even the slightest thing about the way the politics in the United States works, you would be aware that George Bush can not be re-elected, or stand for re-election in 2008 as a result of the Constitutional Rules brought in after FDR flouted the two-term limit tradition.

Moreover, what is 'FREEDOM FOR THE WORLD'S PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' when they live in a Facist state themselves? You put yourself against 'FASCIST IMPERIAL COLONIAL FOREIGN POLICY'; does this applyonly to the United States and Britain, or are you also against Iraq and Nazi Germany? This blog is testament to those who shared, and acted on your sentiments. To my mind at least, when a man fires a shot to end tyranny, the act is far less evil than if in its favour.

Learn your history, learn you facts and address the world with a little more logic and perspective.
on May 06, 2005
I was aware that the combination of 'average Joe' and liberal ignorance was potent, but I hadn't expected this. If you knew even the slightest thing about the way the politics in the United States works, you would be aware that George Bush can not be re-elected, or stand for re-election in 2008 as a result of the Constitutional Rules brought in after FDR flouted the two-term limit tradition.

Moreover, what is 'FREEDOM FOR THE WORLD'S PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' when they live in a Facist state themselves? You put yourself against 'FASCIST IMPERIAL COLONIAL FOREIGN POLICY'; does this applyonly to the United States and Britain, or are you also against Iraq and Nazi Germany? This blog is testament to those who shared, and acted on your sentiments. To my mind at least, when a man fires a shot to end tyranny, the act is far less evil than if in its favour.

Learn your history, learn you facts and address the world with a little more logic and perspective.
on May 06, 2005
when a man fires a shot to end tyranny, the act is far less evil than if in its favour

--I agree...good thought Mr. Cooke
on May 07, 2005
Sir Peter admitted that this was a joke persona he created days ago and still people are arguing with the article.

on May 07, 2005
The majority in both countries do not agree with the Iraq War. That was clear by the vote in England and from the polls in America. It looks as if George W. is about as popular in England as George III was in America in 1776.
on May 07, 2005
The majority in both countries do not agree with the Iraq War. That was clear by the vote in England and from the polls in America. It looks as if George W. is about as popular in England as George III was in America in 1776.

I can't really tell, they both won their elections. I don't know why you care so much about what England thinks, they could care less about you.
on May 07, 2005
" It looks as if George W. is about as popular in England as George III was in America in 1776."

You are naive and grossly arrogant if you think Blair's majority was reduced due to George W. Bush. The "protest" vote here was more due to the sloppy way the war was presented to us, on top of eight years of spin and deception, not because Blair is pals with Bush. We would expect our PM to be closely allied to the US President.
on May 07, 2005
" The majority in both countries do not agree with the Iraq War. That was clear by the vote in England and from the polls in America."

That's right, the people of Britain and America showed how much they detested the war by voting the two key torch bearers for the war back into office. That showed them!

on May 08, 2005
Sir Peter admitted that this was a joke persona he created days ago and still people are arguing with the article.


--Me? My problem with SPM is that why the hell post this, he knows heads were gonna roll [figurativly speaking]...why, fuel the fire thats already out of control [also figure of speech...] ....people like that can get annoying...
on May 08, 2005
"why the hell post this, he knows heads were gonna roll [figurativly speaking]...why, fuel the fire thats already out of control"

Because it is a ludicrous fire and one that deserves utter contempt.
on May 08, 2005
"Me? My problem with SPM is that why the hell post this, he knows heads were gonna roll"

You lot take yourselves FAR TOO seriously. What heads will roll? It's a fucking low ranking, low-traffic blog site!!!!!!
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