It's time to end the evil Blair-Bush coalition of the twisted. To honour over 400,000 dead Iraqi kids show your support!
Published on May 1, 2005 By Liberal Crusader In Politics
I really hate George Bush and Tony Blair. They are both religious 'men' (I use this term lightly) and hate everyone who is not right wing hitler followers like the fascists that they truly are. In 2008 Americans will go to the polls again and they all must not vote for George Bush. The innocents of the world can't take another term of this right wing Christian prick.


Tony Blair is facing his own election here in UK. We all must vote this evil cunt out because he is a pro-American lap dog imperialist who supports American murder and brutal oppression of children all around the world.


Comments (Page 3)
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on May 02, 2005
"Alan Wilburn. "

It's Alan MILBURN you fool. You prove yourself to be quite dyslexic here (and thus retarded) because you cannot tell an 'M' from a 'W'.
on May 02, 2005
It's Alan MILBURN you fool. You prove yourself to be quite dyslexic here (and thus retarded) because you cannot tell an 'M' from a 'W'.

No, not dyslexic, just pinched nerves in my hands. But now someone else can dunn you for the 50gees! And you fell for it! !

The great sir petey laid low by a colonial!
on May 02, 2005
sir peter hijacked my thread. This is my thread! My thread! And i am not sir peter. he's a devil. don't be fooled him and little whip are one and the same.
on May 02, 2005

sir peter hijacked my thread. This is my thread! My thread! And i am not sir peter. he's a devil. don't be fooled him and little whip are one and the same.

When did they start putting computers in Loony Bins?

on May 02, 2005
The idea that I would hand over 50k to a peasant willingly is palpably absurd. I merely made the offer to highlight the stupidity of Americans.
on May 02, 2005

The idea that I would hand over 50k to a peasant willingly is palpably absurd. I merely made the offer to highlight the stupidity of Americans.

No, Sir petey, you would have if you had been got.  You are arrogant and a donkey poop chute.  But your English pride and upbringing forbids you from welshing on a bet!

be glad for my nerves or dyslexia.  You just saved a bundle.

And for the last time you pompass poop chute, I am a colonial!  Not a peasant!  Only England has peasants.

on May 02, 2005
sir peter hijacked my thread. This is my thread! My thread! And i am not sir peter. he's a devil. don't be fooled him and little whip are one and the same.

--little whip would have more sense than to be SPM...SPM is the worst example of a "british noble"...I have ancestors that were nobility...and others that where held in high regards despite not being of noble SPM why don't you just PISS OFF. Sie ist Herr ein arrogantes, dummes, und ein Schwindel. [loses a bit in the translation,haven't had to speak german in years... oh and SPM, at least our stupidity is better than
on May 03, 2005
"SPM is the worst example of a "british noble"

It is because of forward thinking men like myself that the British Empire is till thriving.
on May 03, 2005

It is because of forward thinking men like myself that the British Empire is till thriving.

Well, if ameobic dysintary is thriving, I guess you are right.  Otherwise, foot fungus comes to mind.

on May 03, 2005
Reply #48 By: Citizen Dr. Guy - 5/3/2005 6:24:54 PM

--I second that.

Reply #47 By: Sir Peter Maxwell (Anonymous) - 5/3/2005 4:40:58 PM
"SPM is the worst example of a "british noble"

It is because of forward thinking men like myself that the British Empire is till thriving. in...Never Mind...I don't think i can say that in a public forum...
on May 04, 2005
" in...Never Mind."

Forward not back, my dear boy, with Tony Blair!
on May 05, 2005
YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO JOE USER for presenting it with your outragious views.


These extreme reactions go to show that all along the world outside of the Anglo_Saxon countries knew that these two men had planned to take their countries to war against Iraq and WMDs werre only the pretext. GOOD SHOW, though I disagree with the extreme language.
on May 05, 2005
You know, I always felt that peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians couldn't be accomplished until both Arafat and Sharon were gone. We're halfway there.

I feel the same way about the two clowns in this thread. Bush and Blair must go. There will not be any mideast peace until they are both gone. And, that's just talking about war and peace. I believe it reaches much farther than that, though. Environment, health, global warming, general world well-being. There's too much bad history between them to ever be trusted by the rest of the planet, particularly the mideast. Both of these slobs are just fools who led the world into a fool's folly. They are not capable of leading the world out of it.
on May 05, 2005
I feel the same way about the two clowns in this thread. Bush and Blair must go. There will not be any mideast peace until they are both gone. And, that's just talking about war and peace.

More peace and democracy has happened under Bush. Free elections in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the so-called palestine.
on May 05, 2005
More peace and democracy has happened under Bush. Free elections in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the so-called palestine.

Whether you agree about a so-called Palestine or not, fact is there is an ongoing war between Palenstians and Israelis. And any progress made only occurred after Arafat's demise. So, one down, one to go.

These so-called free elections are debatable. A lot of it appears to be puppet government for the US. Afghanistan is a mess, because we never followed through on our after invasion commitments. Instead, we spent it all by bombing the shit out of Iraq, for reasons that are thin at best.

Iraq is a mess because we never had a plan to obtain the peace. Billions of dollars are missing. Thousands of lives are lost, and losing every day. The people are struggling with some of the worst violence they have ever experienced. Saddam was bad, but the US invasion leading to this crazy holy war is badder. Besides, Iraq was not a threat to the rest of the world. That has been already proven to be a non-justification.

As for the elections, the US corporate interest puppets are now at the helm. Most Iraqis didn't know who they were voting for, because people were too afraid to announce their candidacy for fear of being killed. This isn't exactly what I would call a "free" election.

I'm waiting for Saddam to be tried. But, I'm not holding my breath. I'll bet he'll die before he gets to disclose all of his US ties and other misdeeds. Or, he'll get a "secret" trial and become sequestered for life, like Noriega. Remember Noriega? That drug lord of Panama that did the CIA's bidding in the 1980's? Remember? Well, I see the same fate for Saddam.

Yup, Bush and Blair are two fools who should have known that it would have been cheaper to just buy the freakin' oil.
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